Monday, September 17, 2012

#19 - A Letter Home

I was grounded for three hours inside a metal alloy tube known as an airplane. A name which was rather ironic since I spent more time inside of it while it was on the ground and not in the air. Apparently this whole South China Sea fiasco that's been going on in South East Asia is for real.  Look it up if you don't know what's what.  Guangzhou has historically been called Canton which you might recognize from Cantonese as a language or a cuisine. It's population is roughly three times that of Los Angeles although it's population density is approximately half that of Los Angeles. Needless to say I was surrounded by the Cantons and they sure were ready to fly.

Eventually we got up and down and waiting for me for three hours was Nana who's plans for the day had been thrown out the window. She was wearing a shirt that was very cute and reminded me of a girls dress up doll and our excitement at reuniting was overpowering. We headed straight down to the street food soi and I sunk my teeth into some down home Thai cooking. She was very concerned that I might be tired after such a long journey and the time change and the filtered air and the elevation and, and, and, and, but once all was said and done I can tell you that there was zero transition time to get back to Thai time. I slept for eighty percent of my flights and I arrived in the morning and now nearly one week later I'm still on a perfect schedule. I guess it was just meant to be.

Speaking of meant to be I have had wonderful fortune with job hunting. I've already secured one part time job and am in the hunt for one very well paying full time job. Within the first week I've had four interviews set up. It's difficult for me to understand why in a city so aptly suited to our skills she is so desperate to move to New York. Of course I am not a woman nor do I look Thai so that certainly plays a roll in things. However I also do not have a wonderful theater company that allows me to express my artistic energies in such a wonderful environment.

Nana has also recently completed a course to certify her as a Cambridge Examiner. This lofty title means that she's bankrolled. As a test examiner it's a very good wage but the private students she could get as a tutor would pay well over her hourly wage and they would probably be plentiful. Aside from this the theater is doing well and the budget for the new show is completed and there's all this money left over. So the theater is going to pay for knee operations for two of its members who were injured during the course of performance and then donate a hefty sum to the theater's future as well as perhaps find a couple baht to give to Nana the girl who secured them the biggest budget they've ever their history.

One of the boys came to the opening night of one of the theater's shows this last week and enjoyed it. They're all doing pretty well and though some of them will be departing soon quite a few of them are staying and of course we got a good game of Aqua Fives in. Then I went and played soccer with all the Brits and Slavs and Malaysians and so on and so on. If I had to sum up my first week back I'd probably have to say fucking radical.

Be well my people.

Nana's Shirt